Which Vitamins Are The Most Important And Why? 

For those who aren’t nutritionists or dieticians, coming across several vitamin types and brands can confuse them. We might know that taking vitamins is important, but we don’t understand how they are important. So, why are vitamins essential to good health? Here is a list of the most common and crucial vitamins you need to include in your daily routine.


We’ve all come across this term a lot and know citrus fruits contain vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed for growing and repairing tissue in all parts of the body. It is necessary for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It does this by forming an essential protein used to make skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. It forms scar tissue to heal wounds and helps in maintaining cartilage, bones, and teeth. Not only that, but it also is a significant component needed for iron absorption. It acts as an antioxidant as well.

Vitamin C is found in:


      • Oranges

      • Guava

      • Red and green peppers

      • Grapefruits

      • Cantaloupe

      • Strawberries

      • Brussels sprouts

    VITAMIN B-12

    Vitamin B12 is not something we hear of a lot, but it has many roles in your body. It is an essential vitamin for the functioning of nerve cells, the formation of red blood cells, and DNA synthesis. It is also an energy booster, helps improve memory, and prevents heart-related diseases.

    It is an essential vitamin for pregnant mothers, as it is crucial to a healthy pregnancy. B12 is necessary for the fetus’s brain and nervous system to develop appropriately. Expectant mothers should consult their doctors and nutritionists before taking B12 supplements.

    Vitamin B12 also helps in stabilizing mood and symptoms of depression. It plays a vital role in synthesizing and absorbing serotonin. This chemical is in charge of regulating mood.

    Vitamin B12 is found in:


        • Whole-grain bread

        • Bananas

        • Lentils

        • Beans

        • Molasses

        • Yeast

        • Chili peppers


      Vitamin D is responsible for various bodily functions other than maintaining bone health. It prevents bone fractures and osteoporosis. Surprisingly, it plays a role in reducing the risks of diseases, such as various cancer types, especially colon cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. It reduces the risk of diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart-related diseases. A good amount of vitamin D is needed to improve lung function as well. Like vitamin B12, vitamin D is also responsible for improving mood.

      Vitamin D is found in:


          • Few minutes out in the sun

          • Eggs

          • Fish

          • Mushrooms.

        VITAMIN A

        As children, our parents always told us to eat carrots for good eyesight, and this is true. Vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins to prevent the development of night blindness. It also reduces the risk of certain cancers, including Hodgkin’s lymphoma and cervical, lung, and bladder cancer. It supports a healthy immune system, reduces the risk of acne and inflammation, supports bone health, and is essential for pregnant mothers for reproductive health and the healthy development of babies during pregnancy.

        Vitamin A is found in:


            • Carrots

            • Sweet potato

            • Cantaloupe melons


          Our body cannot produce these vitamins, and after reading this article, you know how important they are for essential functions. Ask your doctor or nutritionist to prescribe supplements or include foods that contain these vitamins in your meal for your body to function healthily. Your body will thank you!